PicoCTF 2022 — Forensics: Torrent Analyze

Reading the link provided we can see tha the info_hash value in the bt-dht packets is going to be unique per torrent.

From that information you can pull each of these fields with tshark and output as json

tshark -r torrent.pcap -Y 'bt-dht.bencoded.string=="info_hash"' -Tjson -e 'bt-dht.bencoded.string' > output.json

We can then use some bash tools to clean up the output

cat output.json \
| jq '.[] | ._source.layers' \
| grep info_hash -A1 \
| awk '{print $1}' \
| sort \
| uniq \
| sed -E 's/"?(.{40})"?,?/\1/g' \
| grep -E '.{40}' \
| tr '\n' ' ')"

Following this we can manually search each hash in google to find reference to hash e2467cbf021192c241367b892230dc1e05c0580e on linuxtracker.org.

Note: the solve.py script in this folder can automate the discovery.


